Pengharapan di Tengah Pandemi Menurut Jürgen Moltmann

Eugenius Ervan Sardono, Antonius Denny Firmanto


Abstract. This paper focused on elaborating the theology of hope in the midst of pandemic according to Jürgen Moltmann. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, peoples experience despair, disappointment and anxiety. There are so many things in the midst of a pandemic that cannot be solved by human ability. Peoples have to be subdued to the suffering of Covid-19. In exploring human suffering in the midst of a pandemic, hope is the key to overcome this unprecedented epidemic. In analyzing this issue, the author made use of Jürgen Moltmann's theology of hope. This study was conducted by the phenomenological method, which examines the experience of the two health workers during the Covid-19 period. Through this study, it caould be understood that the theology of hope had contribution in a pandemic situation, through the resurrection of Christ who was crucified, which means the Church as a Church that is present for the world. From there the Christian cannot escape solidarity with all people and with the "God of hope."

Abstrak. Fokus utama tulisan ini adalah mengurai teologi pengharapan di tengah pandemi menurut Jürgen Moltmann. Di tengah pandemi Covid-19, manusia mengalami keputusasaan, kekecewaan dan kecemasan. Begitu banyak hal di tengah pandemi yang tidak bisa diselesaikan oleh kemampuan manusia. Manusia harus tunduk pada penderitaan Covid-19. Dalam menyelami penderitaan manusia di tengah pandemi, harapan adalah kunci melewati wabah yang tak berpreseden ini. Dalam menganalisis persoalan ini, penulis menggunakan kajian teori teologi pengharapan Jürgen Moltmann. Studi ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi, yaitu menelaah pengalaman kesaksian dari dua petugas kesehatan selama masa Covid-19. Melalui  studi ini dapat dipahami bahwa teologi pengharapan memberi sumbangan dalam situasi pandemi, melalui kebangkitan Kristus yang disalibkan, yang di dalamnya memiliki makna Gereja sebagai Gereja yang hadir bagi dunia. Dari situ orang Kristen tidak dapat terlepas dari solidaritas dengan semua orang maupun dengan “Tuhan pengharapan.”


hope; Covid-19 pandemic; solidarity; Christ ressurection; pengharapan; pandemi Covid-19; Jurgen Moltmann; solidaritas; kebangkitan Kristus

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